The physical market for beef cattle continues to record transactions above the average references in the Southeast Region.
According to Safras & Mercado analyst Fernando Henrique Iglesias, the premium is paid mainly for animals that meet the export requirements for China.
“The weeks of less fluid business following the news that may be favorable to Brazilian exports have caused the slaughter scales to shorten, leading to this situation. In the Center-North, despite the lower volume offered, there are still attempts to purchase below the average reference, with local slaughterhouses still operating with more comfortable slaughter scales”, says the commentator.
Thus, in São Paulo (SP), the reference for the arroba of beef rose to R$ 276.
In Minas Gerais, prices closed at R$282.
At the same time, in Dourados (MS), the price remained at R$257.
At the same time, in Cuiabá (MT), the arroba of beef cattle ended the day quoted at R$248.
In Goiânia (GO), the arroba is at R$265.
Beef: wholesale market
Beef prices, on the other hand, remain stable in the wholesale market.
According to Iglesias, the business environment still suggests some price decline in the short term, in line with the slow replacement between wholesale and retail during the second half of the month.
“The entry of salaries into the economy at the beginning of February tends to encourage replacement throughout the production chain, and may result in some price increases, even if this occurs moderately,” the commentator highlights.
Therefore, the forequarter was priced at R$14 per kilo. The needle tip was priced at R$14.30.
Finally, the hindquarter of the ox was priced at R$19.80 per kilo.

Source: Canal Rural