Initiative aims to strengthen the development of biorefineries and sustainable fuels for aviation and navigation in Brazil

The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and the Study and Project Financing Agency (Finep) have launched a public call that will make R$6 billion available to finance business plans aimed at the development and implementation of biorefineries. The announcement was made this Thursday by the Vice President of the Republic and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin.

The initiative aims to foster business cooperation and strengthen the first ventures aimed at the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and sustainable fuels for navigation in Brazil.

Brazilian companies that operate in the production of fuels or that are dedicated to research, technological development and innovation focused on the creation of the technologies mentioned in the notice may participate in the public call. Companies that commercialize the final products derived from these technologies are also eligible.

Each submitted proposal must contain a single business plan, with a credit requirement of over R$20 million for its implementation, using the financial instruments available from BNDES and Finep.

“This public call is part of the industrial policy of President Lula’s government and represents a great opportunity for the country’s economic development. Globally, aviation and shipping account for around 5% of CO2 emissions,” highlighted BNDES president Aloizio Mercadante in a statement. He added that “sustainable fuels, derived from biomass, waste and other renewable raw materials, have the potential to reduce these emissions by up to 94%.”

Source: Portal do Agronegócio