The event is the result of a partnership between the Agency and the Brazilian Institute of Agribusiness Law (IBDA), the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and the Instituto Pensar Agropecuária (IPA)

The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) participated today, 9/5/2024, in the new edition of the AgroCapitais project, an initiative that is the result of a partnership between the CVM, the Brazilian Institute of Agribusiness Law (IBDA), the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and the Instituto Pensar Agropecuária (IPA).

The objective of the action was to discuss and strengthen the role of the Capital Market in the development of the agricultural sector and present financing alternatives for rural entrepreneurs and investors.

João Pedro Nascimento, President of the CVM, and Bruno Gomes, Superintendent of Securitization and Agribusiness (SSE) of the Agency, participated in the event and presented the potential for growth of agribusiness through financing in the Capital Market.

Fiagro Industry is highlighted
Bruno Gomes, Superintendent of Securitization and Agribusiness (SSE) of the Agency, during the event of the AgroCapitais projectBruno Gomes participated in the panel Challenges and perspectives of the Agribusiness Capital Market and reinforced the message brought in the lecture given by the President of the CVM on the Capital Market and Agribusiness.

The Superintendent highlighted the importance of improving and increasingly modernizing the Agribusiness Chain Investment Fund (FIAGRO) industry, given the relevance of the Agribusiness segment for the country’s economic development.

“FIAGRO is one of the instruments that enables greater development of agribusiness in the country. And the new rule that is coming reflects the CVM’s effort to facilitate access to the capital market for entrepreneurs in the agribusiness chain”, highlighted Bruno Gomes.

It is worth mentioning that, in the latest edition of the CVM Agribusiness Bulletin, prepared by the Superintendence of Securitization and Agribusiness (SSE) of the Agency, it was indicated that the financial volume of agribusiness in the Capital Market grew 19.5% in one year. In addition, the FIAGRO market grew above the market average, growing 153% in the last 12 months, while the Capital Market grew 9% in the same period.

Agribusiness belongs in the Capital Market
In March 2023, the CVM signed technical cooperation agreements with the Instituto Pensar Agropecuária (IPA) and the Brazilian Institute of Agribusiness Law (IBDA). The partnerships were established with a focus on developing the Capital Market in the agribusiness sector, with the mission of strengthening the mechanisms for entrepreneurs in the sector to access the Capital Market.

With national scope, the agreements provided for the holding of joint events in various regions of the country, the project of which is called AgroCapitais.