The latest harvest report released by the Association of Farmers and Irrigators of Bahia (Aiba) showed specific data on the production of the main crops in the west, but also figures on the sale of soybeans, the region’s flagship crop that accounts for most of the state’s production. The survey shows that 34% of the soybeans from the 2022/23 cycle have already been sold, while sales for the 2021/22 harvest remain at 98%. The western region has an estimated production of 7.447 million tons – almost the entire production in Bahia, which reaches 7.489 million. In total, 1.920 million hectares of the state are destined for the production of the crop. The soybean harvest, on the other hand, is proceeding slowly. To date, an area corresponding to 16,740/ha has been harvested and a production equivalent to 67,294 thousand tons. The progress of field work is conditioned by climatic factors, since the rains that are still persisting in the region are slowing down the pace of activity due to excess moisture in the grains.
Corn sales
The second most important crop in the state, corn has also seen a good sales pace in the west, with 88% of the first harvest already sold. Production is estimated at 2.376 million tons, while the second harvest is 4.56 million.
For both, the total sales volume reaches 82%. According to the National Supply Company (Conab), corn production is expected to reach 3.693 million tons across the state.

Source: Canal Rural