With harvest scheduled for March, soybeans are being sold well in Bahia
The latest harvest report released by the Association of Farmers and Irrigators of Bahia (Aiba) showed specific data on the production of the main crops in the west, but also figures on the sale of soybeans, the region’s flagship crop that accounts for most of...China should not close a deal with Mercosur, says expert
The possible signing of a bilateral treaty between Uruguay and China, which could harm Mercosur, is unlikely to happen. This is the assessment of geographer and professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj), Elias Jabbour. On Thursday (2), he participated...
Dairy sector and SC government outline plans to expand exports
The Southern Brazilian Dairy Alliance presented yesterday (January 4) to the Secretary of Agriculture of Santa Catarina, Valdir Colatto, a plan to stimulate the dairy chain in the state, which is the fourth largest producer in the country. The strategy involves...
Certifications for the halal (Muslim) market grow in Brazil
Cdial Halal, one of the main certifiers of products destined for the Muslim market in Latin America, ratified 30 new agribusiness companies in 2022, double the number from the previous year. Of this group, ten produce animal protein.According to the company, in...