Setor leiteiro e governo de SC traçam planos para ampliar exportações

Dairy sector and SC government outline plans to expand exports

The Southern Brazilian Milk Alliance presented yesterday (1/4) to the Secretary of Agriculture of Santa Catarina, Valdir Colatto, a plan to stimulate the dairy chain in the State, which is the fourth largest producer in the country. The strategy involves improvements in logistics, reduction of...
Certificações para mercado halal (mulçumano) crescem no Brasil

Certifications for the halal (Muslim) market grow in Brazil

Cdial Halal, one of the main certifiers of products destined for the Muslim market in Latin America, ratified 30 new agribusiness companies in 2022, double the number of the previous year. Of this group, ten produce animal protein. According to the company, in addition to...
Incertezas devem manter preços do petróleo sob volatilidade em 2023

Uncertainties should keep oil prices volatile in 2023

Even if the war between Russia and Ukraine ended today, the effects of the ten-month conflict would still linger on the global oil market for a few more years. And price volatility in 2022 should continue next year, experts say...
Entregas de adubos recuaram 18% em outubro, informa indústria

Fertilizer Deliveries Down 18% in October, Industry Reports

Deliveries of fertilizers from mixers to Brazilian producers totaled 3.8 million tons in October last year, with a reduction of 18% compared to the same month of 2021, disclosed this Tuesday by Anda, which brings together the industries in the segment. Of January...
Exportações argentinas de soja com vantagem cambial caíram 57%

Currency-advantaged Argentine soy exports down 57%

Na segunda etapa de vigência do “dólar-soja” na Argentina – taxa de câmbio fixa de 230 pesos por dólar para os embarques do segmento -, entre 28 de novembro e 31 de dezembro, o país exportou 6,4 milhões de toneladas da oleaginosa, segundo a Bolsa de Cereais de...