Usinas rompem silêncio e criticam desoneração

Mills break silence and criticize exemption

The publication of MP 1,157, which extended the exemption for all fuels without tax compensation for 60 days, caused discomfort among ethanol producers. Yesterday, organizations that represent the segment released notes with attacks on the decision of the Lula government,...
Produção de açúcar deve crescer em 2023/24

Sugar production expected to grow in 2023/24

The 2023/24 season that starts in April in the Center-South of Brazil may register an increase in sugarcane production, due to higher productivity. Estimates indicate that the Center-South can produce from 560 to 595 million tons of sugarcane, against 538.98 million...
Exportações brasileiras de milho dobraram em 2022

Brazilian corn exports doubled in 2022

Brazilian corn shipments confirmed expectations and more than doubled in 2022, in line with the harvest recovery after the sharp crop failure in the previous year. And, as shown by data from the National Association of Cereal Exporters (Anec)...
Exportações globais de café verde cresceram 11% em novembro

Global green coffee exports grew by 11% in November

As exportações globais de café verde totalizaram 9,21 milhões de sacas em novembro do ano passado, 11% mais que no mesmo mês de 2021, informou o relatório de dezembro da Organização Internacional do Café (OIC), divulgado ontem.O crescimento foi impulsionado pelos...