Brazilian agriculture is sustainable, yes!
One of the many criticisms of Brazilian agribusiness is related to the issue of sustainability. Myths and misinterpreted data foster an environment, sometimes hostile, that does not do justice to the real scenario. Technology has been a differentiating factor in...
Advances for National Genetic Improvement
Intergen, launched by Embrapa in 2008, now incorporates genomic data, ensuring greater accuracy in genetic improvement in the country With the launch of the new version of Intergen, Embrapa places Brazil on an equal footing with the main genetic improvement programs...
Agrobusiness stocks show 34.3% growth in 12 months through March
São Paulo, 6 – Securities aimed at financing agribusiness with private resources totaled R$1.010 trillion in stocks from March 2023 to March of this year, an increase of 34.31% compared to the same month last year, the Ministry of Agriculture reported in a note, based...